Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the difference between CME and CPD?
Continuing Medical Education (CME) refers to a specific form of continuing education (CE) that helps those in the medical field maintain competence and learn about new and developing areas of their field. It is basically designed to enhance health professionals’ knowledge and skills which eventually will reflect on better health services provided. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is an ongoing systematic maintenance and growth of the knowledge and skills required for health professionals to remain competent in their occupation for the benefit of a particular profession. As an example, please find below a list of competencies: ✓ Communication: Recognized as a necessary element in all efforts to improve health. Health communication can contribute to all aspects of disease prevention, health promotion, and medical care. It is also relevant in a number of contexts of our lives as individuals, patients, members of families and communities ✓ Collaboration/Team Building: This is the skill to consult effectively with the healthcare team. It requires interdisciplinary team building skills. ✓ Management/Leadership/Quality Issues: This requires skills in leadership, management of time, limited resources, quality issues and risk management. ✓ Strategic Plans: Healthcare professionals should acquire the skills to develop, implement and monitor strategies that will improve the health of the community by comprehensive prevention, therapeutic research and planning the delivery of care.
2. Why do I need to earn CME/CPD points?
After getting a professional degree or qualification, CPD/CME points will help healthcare professionals to upgrade their knowledge in their profession. CPD/CME is basically designed to enhance health professionals' performance, which will eventually reflect on better patient care, public services or health system. It also helps health professionals to maintain a high level of professional competence All over the world, health authorities are making CME points as mandatory requirement to maintain the professional license. Almost all specialties are required to go through this process such as Physicians, Pharmacists, Nurses, Midwives, General Practitioners, Radiologists, Dentists, and Allied Health Staff.
3. How many CME point I need to renew my medical license?
Department of Health Abu Dhabi - The DoH Continuing Education minimum requirements are mandatory for physicians, dentists, pharmacists and nurses in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi since January 2007. As of October 2014, all healthcare professionals are required to obtain continuing education hours. Dubai Health Authority - The CPD target is based on the Full-time license category: Physicians & Dentists 40, Nurses 20, Allied Healthcare & TCAM 10). If the professional over achieves the set target, a maximum of 10 CPD points may be carried forward to the next year. However, if they underachieve, then the CPD points must be made-up for in the following year. Ministry of Health – Through the Unified Healthcare Professional Qualification Guidelines, the minimum CME/CPD requirements will be the same as DoH and DHA.
4. What are the activities fall under CME/CPD Category 1 and Category 2
Category 1 CME focuses on education for a designated speciality content area. Requirements are set forth by your speciality board and by each individual state. These requirements can be completed in the form of lectures, conferences, and online programs. Category 2 CME activities are essentially of a self-learning nature, and should be beneficial to the practice. all educational activities not designated for Category 1 and can earn a certificate that highlights a healthcare professional’s commitment to ongoing education.
5. What are the UAE-Accepted Accrediting Organizations?
There are many acceptable Continuing Education (CE) accreditation systems throughout the region and the world. The DoH recognizes many of these systems as “equivalent”. Participants in CE accredited by one of these recognized bodies can count the CE for Category 1 credit hours. UAE Accepted Accrediting Organizations • Department of Health – Abu Dhabi (DoH) • UAE Ministry of Health • Dubai Health Authority • Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, United Arab Emirates University Middle East Accrediting Organizations • Kuwait Institute of Medical Specialization • Saudi Commission for Health Specialties • Ministry of Health, Sultanate of Oman (Directorate General of Education and Training “DGET”) North American Accrediting Organizations • Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) • American Medical Association Physician Recognition Award (AMA-PRA) • Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) • ANCC for nursing • Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Maintenance of Competence Program – MOC) • College of Family Physicians of Canada UK, European and International Organizations • Royal College of Physicians (CPD Approval System) • European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education
6. Where can I earn CME/CPD online?
Websites being accredited with regular licensing bodies to process medical information which is authentic and reliable. 1. Medscape - www.medscape.com 2. Cleveland Clinic - www.clevelandclinicmeded.com 3. BMJ Learning free CME for Healthcare professionals - www.bmjlearning.com 4. Free CME Points Award website - www.freecme.com 5. CME Points award List - www.cmelist.com 6. Nursing CME - www.nursingceu.com 7. Continuing Education for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians - www.powerpak.com 8. Nursing Knowldge Center - www.nursingworld.org/ce/ 9. ArcMesa Educators - www.arcmesa.org 10. Where the Dental Community Lives! - www.dentaltown.com 11. RxInsider Connecting Pharmacy Community - www.rxinsider.com 12. PharmAce - Online Pharmacy Technician Career Guide - www.pharmace.com